Thursday, April 25, 2013

Water and Light

I just began to read "The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron. I literally just finished the introduction when I became aware of words in my mind.  As soon as I became aware of them they ceased and began to fade fast. I immediately wrote them down in the front of the book.  I had nowhere else to write in the short amount of time the words passed through.

"Somewhere along the lighted pool expands thought..."

The words came like the imprints of a water bug's legs as they skim the surface.

I wrote them down and went to the next chapter. From the third paragraph Julia Cameron says, "If you think of the universe as a vast electrical sea in which you are immersed and from which you are formed, opening to your creativity changes you from something bobbing in that sea to a more fully functioning, more conscious, more cooperative part of that ecosystem."

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